

Sample ASPECT code

ASPECT tips and tricks

ASPECT resources on the web

General Procomm Plus information

Procomm Plus Support Files

These files are for use only with the internationalized versions of Procomm Plus. Do not use these files with the US releases of Procomm Plus!

Procomm Plus for DOS version 2.01: French/German/International English

d2fmodem.exe - Modem data file for PCPLUS French 2.01
d2gmodem.exe - Modem data file for PCPLUS German 2.01
d2imodem.exe - Modem data file for PCPLUS EC 2.01
ecaspl.exe - ASPECT compiler for large scripts
echook.com - How to use C to hook into PROCOMM PLUS
ecp201.exe - Product patches for PROCOMM PLUS EC 2.01
frp201.exe - Product Patches for French PCPLUS 2.01.
grp201.exe - Patches for German PCPLUS 2.01.

Procomm Plus for Windows version 1: French/German

alt_gr.exe - Metakey files to access Alt-Gr characters
w1fmodem.exe - Modem data file for the French PROWIN 1.x
w1gmodem.exe - Modem data file for the German PROWIN 1.x
pw1iarc.exe - Archive of useful files for PROCOMM PLUS IE 1.02
pw1iarc.lst - List of PW1IARC.EXE files

Procomm Plus for Windows version 2: French/German/International English

pwi211.exe - Update for IE v2.1 of PROCOMM PLUS for Windows
w2fl0001.exe - DLL update for T-Online system (French)
w2fl0002.exe - DLL update for T-Online system (French)
w2fmodem.exe - Modem data file for the French PROWIN 2.x
w2ga0001.exe - Updated Host script to correct menu key problem (German)
w2gl0001.exe - DLL update for T-Online system (German)
w2gl0002.exe - DLL update for T-Online system (German)
w2gmodem.exe - Modem data file for the German PROWIN 2.x
w2ia0001.exe - Auxiliary file updating CISMGR IE version
w2il0001.exe - Replacement DLC for problems with file transfers
w2imodem.exe - Modem data file for PROWIN EC1.x

Procomm Plus for Windows version 3: International English

w3iaisp.exe - Internet Service Provider list
w3imodem.exe - Procomm Plus 3.xIE for Win WMODEMS.DAT Update
w3is0005.exe - Procomm Plus UK ver 3.x News/Mail database Repair

Procomm Plus for Windows version 4: International English

w4is0001.exe - Procomm Plus UK ver 4.x News/Mail database Repair
w4iu0001.exe - Procomm Plus 32 UK Version 4.50 to 4.51 Patch

This document maintained by John Schultz. Material Copyright © 2002-2017
Procomm Plus and ASPECT are registered trademarks of Symantec Corporation