TECHNICAL BULLETIN #42 - Rev 1.10 (9/03/96) ============================================================================== TITLE : Host Mode File Transfers PRODUCT : Procomm Plus 4.x, 3.x ============================================================================== The Procomm Plus' Host mode is a powerful utility that transforms your PC into a host system - a mini bulletin board. While your PC runs unattended in Host mode, users can log on to your host PC from another PC (hereafter described as the "local" computer) and send and receive files between the two computers. Host mode is useful for the home user that needs access to a work PC's files, as well as businesses which need a bulletin board without software and hardware setup hassles. This document discusses setting up Host mode on the host PC, logging on to the host, and transferring a file with the host PC. HOST MODE SETUP Before you run the Host mode script, you must set the Host mode options on your host PC. 1. Run the HOSTUTIL script to see the Host mode options window. Select this script from the Script File drop-down box on the Action Bar. Procomm Plus Host Mode Utility Window 2. Specify in the "Welcome message" field the message that you would like to see when you connect to your host PC. 3. Type the complete name of the path, including drive and subdirectories, so that the "Upload directory" field points to a valid directory where you would like files to be stored when sent to your host PC. 4. Type the complete name of the path, including drive and subdirectories, so that the "Download directory" field points to a valid directory where you will place files to retrieve from your host PC. 5. Specify in the "Connection Type" option whether you are using a direct cable connection or modem connection. 6. Specify in the "System type" field whether new users can access your system. If set to "OPEN", anyone that connects to your PC will have access to your system. If set to "CLOSED", only authorized users, specified with the User Editor, can gain access to your system. 7. Click on the "Save" push-button to save the Host mode settings and then click on the "Exit" push-button to exit the Host mode options. 8. Run the HOST script to start Host mode. Select this script from the Script File drop-down box on the Action Bar. HOST MODE TRANSFER This section describes how to connect to the host PC from another PC ("local" PC) and transfer a file. 1. Before you can try to connect to the host PC from your local PC, you should configure a Dialing Directory entry which matches the host system's phone number and settings. Refer to the Procomm Plus User Manual for instructions on adding a Dialing Directory entry. 2. Establish the link between your local computer and the host computer by activating the Dialing Directory entry. When you connect, you should see the host's welcome message and logon prompts. Procomm Plus' Host Log On Prompts 3. Enter your name at the name prompt. 4. Confirm the name you entered by typing Y for Yes or N for No at the "Is this correct (Y/N)?" prompt. 5. Enter a password at the password prompt. First time callers must verify the password by entering it twice. Remember this word so you can enter it the next time you call the host system. 6. Press to upload or to download a file when the host's menu and the "Your Choice?" prompt appears. 7. Type for ZMODEM when the protocol options menu appears. 8. Enter the name of the file you will send (upload) to or receive (download) from the host computer. 9. Start the file transfer on your PC if needed. If you are uploading a file, click on the "folder with an up arrow" icon on the Action Bar, select the file to send, choose the ZMODEM protocol, and click on "OK". If you are downloading a file, the transfer status window should appear and you should see the percentage indicator start to increase. ============================================================================== To ensure that you have the latest version of this document, compare its revision number to that of the same document on any of our support sites. This technical bulletin may be copied and distributed freely as long as it is distributed in its entirety and it is not distributed for profit. Copyright (c) 1996 Quarterdeck All rights reserved. ==============================================================================