TECHNICAL BULLETIN #171 - Rev 1.11 (1/15/97) ============================================================================== TITLE : Uninstalling Procomm Plus PRODUCT : Procomm Plus 4.x, 3.x ============================================================================== Procomm Plus ships with a utility to uninstall the application and all supporting files from your computer. It is the easiest way to uninstall Procomm Plus. This document discusses two options for completely removing Procomm Plus from your computer. USING UNINSTALL Uninstall deletes nearly everything from the Procomm Plus directory, all additional files in WINDOWS and WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory, an added line in the system.ini, and file associations in the Windows Registry. It does all of this automatically. Note, however, that Uninstall cannot delete itself and the directory it is in. Therefore, after running Uninstall, you'll have to delete the Procomm Plus directory using File Manager or explorer. What do you do if you have deleted the Procomm Plus (and the Uninstall utility) already? Since you have deleted the utility, you have two options: expand Uninstall from the disk and run it or complete the uninstall manually. MANUALLY UNINSTALLING (BY EXPANDING UNINSTALL) Note: It is NOT recommended attempting this method to uninstall Procomm Plus version 4.x. 1. From a DOS Prompt, create a directory called Program Files\Procomm Plus (if you are using PROCOMM PLUS 3.0 the directory will be \PROWIN3.) Do this from your root directory by typing: md prowin3 press 2. You'll need to expand pwuninst.ex_ off the CDROM or Disk #6. After placing the appropriate disk in the appropriate drive, for example: expand a:\pwuninst.ex_ c:\prowin3\pwunist.exe 3. Now, do the same to expand pwutil.dl_ off the CDROM or original Disk #6. The expanded file should be named pwutil.dll. 4. Now you can return to Windows. If you are using Windows 95, double click on the "My Computer" icon which is located on your desktop. If you are using Windows 3.1, open File Manager which is located in the Main group. 5. Double click on the Procomm Plus directory. In it, you should see the files you just expanded. You can now run Uninstall by double clicking on pwunist.exe. 6. Once pwunist.exe has successfully run, remove the Procomm Plus directory. Now, Procomm Plus is completely removed from your computer. MANUALLY UNINSTALLING (WITHOUT USING UNINSTALL) If you are unable to use the steps above, follow the steps below to completely remove Procomm Plus from your computer. 1. Delete the Procomm plus and all of its sub-directories. This is best done from File Manager (if you are using Windows 3.1) or using Explorer (if you are using Windows 95). 2. Delete the following files from the WINDOWS and WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory: \win95\pw4.ini \win95\system\pw4fax.drv If you are using PROCOMM PLUS 3.0, delete the following files: \windows\pw3.ini \windows\system\pw3fax.drv \windows\system\pw3shmem.dll 3. If you are using Windows 95, you must remove the file associations from the Windows Registry. The easiest way to do this is to click on View then Options from the menu from within My Computer. Click the File Types tab and scroll down the Registered File Types until you reach the Procomm Plus entries. Highlight the Procomm Plus file associations and click Remove. Click on Close when done. 4. Remove the statement which reads "device=commtask.386" that was added to your Windows system.ini file. In either My Computer or File Manager, locate the WINDOWS directory and the system.ini therein. Double click it to open it. The line is located in the [386enh] section. Simply remove the line and save the file. 5. Remove all the icons from your desktop. In Windows 95, right-click on Start, double-click on programs, and remove the Procomm Plus icon groups. In Windows 3.x, highlight the group by clicking once. Then go to File | Delete. 6. You're finished. Procomm Plus should be completely uninstalled. ============================================================================== To ensure that you have the latest version of this document, compare its revision number to that of the same document on any of our support sites. This technical bulletin may be copied and distributed freely as long as it is distributed in its entirety and it is not distributed for profit. Copyright (c) 1997 Quarterdeck All rights reserved. ==============================================================================