TECHNICAL BULLETIN #20 - Rev 1.00 (5/13/96) ============================================================================== TITLE : PW2 Aspect Commands Grouped by Functions PRODUCT : PROCOMM PLUS for Windows 2.xx ============================================================================== = CAPTURE FILE = $PLAYBACK capture capturestr playback = COM PORT I/O = $CARRIER $CTS $DATACONNECT $DTR $FLOWSTATE $RTS $RXCOUNT $RXDATA $TXCOUNT $TXDATA $XOFFRECV $XOFFSENT break clearxoff comgetc computc comread comwrite hangup pastetext rget rxflush transmit txflush waitfor waitquiet xlatin xlatout xlatstr = COMPILER DIRECTIVES = #COMMENT #DEFINE #DEFINE #ELIFDEF #ELIFNDEF #ELSE #ENDCOMMENT #ENDIF #IFDEF #IFNDEF #INCLUDE #UNDEF breakpoint = DDE = $DDEADVISE ddeadvise ddeexecute ddeinit ddepoke dderequest ddeterminate ddeunadvise = DIALING DIRECTORY = $CNCTMSG $DDIRFNAME $DIALCHANGED $DIALCONNECT $DIALDIR $DIALENTRY $DIALING $DIALQUEUE $DIALSELECT $MISC $PASSWORD $USERID dial dialadd dialcancel dialclass dialcount dialcreate dialdelete dialfind dialinsert dialload dialname dialnumber dialsave dialstats = DIALOG BOX = bitmap checkbox combobox dialogbox dirlistbox dirpath dlgctrlwin dlgdestroy dlgevent dlglist dlgsave dlgshow dlgupdate dlgwin dlgwinctrl editbox enddialog endgroup fcombobox feditbox flistbox ftext groupbox icon iconbutton listbox metafile pushbutton radiobutton radiogroup text = DLL AND MCI = dllcall dllfree dllload mciexec = FAX = $FAXCONNECT $FAXFILE $FAXOPTIONS $FAXRECVCNT $FAXSENDCNT $FAXSTATUS faxcancel faxlist faxpoll faxprint faxremove faxsend faxview = FILE I/O = $FATTR $FDATE $FEXT $FILENAME $FILESPEC $FLTIME $FNAME $FSIZE $FTIME $USERDISK $USERDISKSTR $USERPATH $VOLUME addfilename chdir copyfile delfile diskfree fclear fclose fdelblock feof ferror fflush fgetc fgets fileget fileset findfirst findnext finsblock flength fopen fputc fputs fread fseek fstrfmt ftell ftruncate fullpath fwrite getdir getfilename getpathname getvolume isfile makepath mkdir profilerd profilewr rename rewind rmdir splitpath = FILE TRANSFER = $PKRECV $PKSEND $PROTOCOL $XFERFILE $XFERSTATUS getfile kermserve pkmode pkrecv pksend sendfile xfercancel = PROGRAM FLOW = call case default else elseif endcase endfor endfunc endif endproc endswitch endwhile exit exitfor exitswitch exitwhile failure for func goto halt if longjmp loopfor loopwhile mspause pause proc return setjmp success switch while yield = KEYBOARD = $KEYHIT ansitokey ansitooem keyflush keyget keystate keytoansi keytooem oemtoansi oemtokey sendkey sendkeystr sendvkey termkey = MATHEMATICAL = ceil floor rand = MEMORY ACCESS = memalloc memchr memcmp memfree memgetc memicmp memmove memputc memread memrealloc memset memsize memwrite = MENUS = menubar menucheck menuitem menupopup menuselect menushow menustate = PRINTER = printalign printattr printcapture printchar printer printfit printfont printmargin printstr printtabs printtabstr = PW TASK = $ACTIONBAR $ACTIONBARS $ASPECTPATH $CHAINEDFILE $CHATWIN $ERRORNUM $EXITCODE $METAKEYS $MONITORWIN $OPTIONS $PARENTFILE $PHONECARD $PWACTIVE $PWLOCALPATH $PWMAINWIN $PWMENUBAR $PWSTATE $PWTASK $PWTASKPATH $PWTITLEBAR $PWVER $QUICKSELECT $SCRIPTENV $SCRIPTFILE $SCRIPTMODE $SERIALNUM $SETUP $STATUSLINE $USERNAME $WINCOLORS alarm beep chain compile disable enable execute getenv itemcount itemcreate itemfind itemname itemremove metakey putenv pwexit pwtitlebar sbsave setup snapshot = STANDARD DIALOGS = dir errormsg fileview sdlgfopen sdlginput sdlgmsgbox sdlgsaveas usermsg = STRINGS = $NULLSTR atof atoi atol crc16 decrypt encrypt ftoa itoa ltoa nullstr numtostr rstrcmp strcat strchr strcmp strcpy strcspn strdelete strextract strfind strfmt strgetc stricmp strinsert strlen strlwr strncmp strnicmp strputc strquote strrchr strreplace strrev strright strsearch strset strspn strtok strtonum strupdt strupr substr = TASKS = $NUMCOLORS $NUMTASKS $OS $OSVER $POINTERTASK $TASK $WINMODE $WINPATH $WINVER $XPIXELS $YPIXELS cliptofile cliptostr dos exitwindows filetoclip firsttask help memavail nexttask run shell strtoclip taskactivate taskexists taskexit taskname taskpath taskwin = TERMINAL I/O = $COL $ROW $STATMSG $TERMCOLORS $TERMCOLS $TERMFONT $TERMINAL $TERMROWS clear getcur locate statclear statmsg termgetc termgets termmsg termputc termputs termreadc termreads termreset termwritec termwrites = TIME = $DATE $LTIME $TIME $TIME24 intsltime ltimeelapsed ltimeints ltimemisc ltimestring ltimestrs monthstr strsltime waituntil weekdaystr = TYPEDEF = float integer long param string = USER WINDOW = $LMOUSEEVENT $LMOUSEX $LMOUSEY $OBJECT $RMOUSEEVENT $RMOUSEX $RMOUSEY $USERWIN bitmap bitmapbkg dllobject dllobjfile dllobjupdt hotspot icon iconbutton metafile metafilebkg objcoord objhide objmove objpaint objpointid objremove objshow pushbutton uwincreate uwinpaint uwinremove uwutowin wintouwu = WHEN = when variable when clear when dialog when elapsed when iskey when quiet when resume when suspend when target when userexit = WINDOW = $ACTIVEWIN $FOCUSWIN $LMOUSESTATE $POINTERWIN $POINTERX $POINTERY $RMOUSESTATE $TITLEBAR screentowin setpointer winactivate winclose wincoord winenabled winexists winfocus winhide winmaximize winminimize winmove winrestore winshow winsize winstate wintask wintext wintoscreen winvisible = SET/FETCH GROUPS = fetch set = SET/FETCH: MISC = actionbar alarm alarmtime ansrings autoanswer autodnld cdinxfer chatmode clipchar clipfilermv distinctring dnldpath dnldprompt editor iconflash iconlabels lmouse dblclick lmouse eolchar lmouse eolstr lmouse prefix longfilename metakeyfile metakeys misc notesfile notespath options password pausechar playbackpace protocol quickoption quickselect remotecmd rmouse action rmouse item scriptpath setupprompt speakervol statusline translate txpace upldpath userid viewgif wavefile wincolors xferyield = SET/FETCH: ASPECT = aspect codepage aspect control aspect datakey aspect decimal aspect dialingbox aspect display aspect errormsg aspect filexferbox aspect helpfile aspect keys aspect path aspect rgetchar aspect rxdata aspect spawn aspect whensuspend = SET/FETCH: CAPTURE = capture autostart capture file capture overwrite capture path capture query capture recordmode = SET/FETCH: COMPILER = compiler debug compiler mapfile compiler maplines compiler maxerrors compiler options compiler warnlevel = SET/FETCH: CONNECTION = connection logging connection statmsg = SET/FETCH: DIALDIR = dialdir areacode dialdir callpause dialdir callwaitoff dialdir countrycode dialdir dialacalways dialdir dialacforld dialdir dialingcode dialdir intlprefix dialdir ldlineout dialdir ldprefix, dialdir loclineout dialdir maxdial dialdir sendcr dialdir usephonecard dialdir waitcnct = SET/FETCH: DIALENTRY = dialentry access dialentry areacode dialentry calltype dialentry company dialentry countrycode dialentry phonenumber dialentry scriptfile dialentry scriptstart = SET/FETCH: FAX = fax adaptiveans fax class fax cnctmsg fax company fax connection fax coverpath fax coversheet fax delpages fax dialmethod fax dialretries fax dropdtr fax faxnumber fax flowcontrol fax header fax init fax options fax port fax recvbaud fax recvpath fax recvprint fax recvview fax retrydelay fax rmvpolled fax scheduled fax sendpath fax sendpolled fax stationid fax username fax voicenumber fax xmitbaud = SET/FETCH: MODEM = modem autoansoff modem autobaud modem baudrate modem callerid modem callwaitoff modem cmdsuffix modem cnctmsg modem connection modem dialcmd modem dialmethod modem dialspeed modem dialtimeout modem distinctring modem dropdtr modem hangup modem hardflow modem init modem nocnctmsg modem pacing modem port modem volume = SET/FETCH: PHONECARD = phonecard cardnum phonecard delay phonecard dial phonecard ldprefix phonecard miscnum phonecard pinnum phonecard servicenum phonecard type = SET/FETCH: PORT = port baudrate port breaklen port databits port duplex port parity port softflow port stopbits = SET/FETCH: PRINT = print device print fontname print fontsize print footer print header print margins print orientation = SET/FETCH: TERMINAL = terminal autosize terminal backspace terminal blinkrate terminal blockcursor terminal colors terminal columns terminal enquiry terminal enquirystr terminal font terminal fontname terminal fontsize terminal frame terminal hostprint terminal keyboardfile terminal linewrap terminal pattern terminal rows terminal rxcr terminal sbpages terminal scroll terminal scrollmethod terminal stripbit8 terminal tabstops terminal type terminal update terminal viewcursor = SET/FETCH: EMULATION (replace "emulation" with an appropriate emulation name. See page A-32) = emulation bit8mode emulation blockmode emulation charset emulation cursorkeyapp emulation declinewrap emulation endsequence emulation entercrlf emulation escapem emulation keypadapp emulation nullsuppress emulation protectattr emulation statusattr emulation statusline emulation turnchar = SET/FETCH: ASCII = ascii abortdnld ascii blankexpand ascii charpace ascii dnld cr ascii dnld display ascii dnld lf ascii linepace ascii overwrite ascii pacechar ascii stripbit8 ascii tabexpand ascii tabstops ascii timeout ascii upld cr ascii upld display ascii upld lf ascii usepacechar = SET/FETCH: CISB = cisb abortdnld cisb overwrite = SET/FETCH: IND$FILE = ind$file abortdnld ind$file asciixlat ind$file converter ind$file crlfxlat ind$file display ind$file environment ind$file host ind$file lrecl ind$file overwrite ind$file pacelines ind$file recfm ind$file recvcmd ind$file sendcmd ind$file timing ind$file upldpace ind$file uselrecl ind$file userecfm = SET/FETCH: KERMIT = kermit abortdnld kermit bit8quote kermit blockcheck kermit blockstart kermit ctrlquote kermit eolchar kermit filetype kermit overwrite kermit packetsize kermit padchar kermit padnum = SET/FETCH: RAWASCII = rawascii abortdnld rawascii charpace rawascii dnld display rawascii linepace rawascii overwrite rawascii pacechar rawascii timeout rawascii upld display rawascii usepacechar = SET/FETCH: PROTOCOL (replace "protocol" with an appropriate protocol name. See page A-44) = protocol abortdnld protocol overwrite protocol relaxed = SET/FETCH: ZMODEM = zmodem eolconvert zmodem errdetect zmodem origtime zmodem receiver crashrecover zmodem receiver overwrite zmodem sender crashrecover zmodem sender overwrite zmodem txmethod ========================================================================== To ensure that you have the latest version of this document, compare its revision number to that of the same document on any of our support sites. This technical bulletin may be copied and distributed freely as long as it is distributed in its entirety and it is not distributed for profit. Copyright (c) 1996 Quarterdeck All rights reserved. ==========================================================================