TECHNICAL BULLETIN #99 - Rev 1.00 (5/13/96) ============================================================================== TITLE : Why Are 144 & 288 Baud Rates Omitted from 2.01? PRODUCT : PROCOMM PLUS 2.01 (DOS) ============================================================================== This document explains why 14400 and 28800 baud rates were omitted in PROCOMM PLUS. SPLIT-BAUD, DATA COMPRESSING MODEMS Your high-speed modem uses "split-baud" technology to operate at two baud rates. The first baud rate is the speed your modem negotiates when it connects with another modem and is known as the DCE (Data Communications Equipment) speed. The second baud rate is the speed between your modem and your computer, known as the DTE (Data Terminal Equipment) speed. The DTE speed is the rate you select in PROCOMM PLUS Dialing Directory and Current Setup. In addition, your modem supports data compression, such as V.42bis' "4 to 1" data compression. In simpler terms, this means your modem could potentially compress 4 bytes of data to only 1 byte. This technology, in conjunction with "split-baud", allows your modem to receive data from your PC at up to four times the DCE speed, then buffer, compress, and send the data to another modem. The receiving modem will buffer, uncompress, and send the data to its PC at a similarly high rate. |-------| 57,600 |-------| 14,400 |--------| 57,600 |--------| | Local | baud | Local | baud | Remote | baud | Remote | | PC |<-------->| Modem |<-------------->| Modem |<-------->| PC | | (DTE) | | (DCE) | PHONE LINE | (DCE) | | (DTE) | |-------| |-------| |--------| |--------| If you set the DTE speed less than four times the DCE speed, data will not be sent to your modem fast enough for it to compress the data and your file transfer rates will suffer. Instead, set the DTE speed to four times the maximum DCE speed of your modem: 57600 baud for 14400 baud modems and 115200 baud for 28800 baud modems. The designers of PROCOMM PLUS omitted the 14400 and 28800 baud rates so that you would not mistakenly reduce your file transfer rates. ========================================================================== To ensure that you have the latest version of this document, compare its revision number to that of the same document on any of our support sites. This technical bulletin may be copied and distributed freely as long as it is distributed in its entirety and it is not distributed for profit. Copyright (c) 1996 Quarterdeck All rights reserved. ==========================================================================