TECHNICAL BULLETIN #192 - Rev 1.00 (9/25/96) ============================================================================== TITLE : PROCOMM PLUS 2.x (DOS) FAQ PRODUCT: PROCOMM PLUS 2.x (DOS) ============================================================================== Q: Why would PCPLUS stick at the initialization screen,lock up in Terminal mode, or act strange right after initialization? A: There are several reasons PCPLUS may exhibit these symptoms. 1.If you have Hardware Flow Control enabled in Setup and your modem, or the modem cable (if external modem), doesn't support Hardware Flow Control, PCPLUS may stick at the initialization screen. To test this, rename your parameter file, PCPLUS.PRM, located in the PCPLUS home directory. Then, restart PCPLUS. A new parameter file will be created with Hardware Flow Control disabled. 2.You may have a corrupt parameter file, PCPLUS.PRM, or Dialing Directory, PCPLUS.DIR. To test this, first rename the PCPLUS.PRM and restart PCPLUS. If you're still experiencing problems, exit PCPLUS and rename the PCPLUS.DIR. Then restart PCPLUS. 3.You may have an IRQ conflict with another device, such as a network card. (See TB90.TXT for more information on IRQ conflicts.) Check with your MIS department or computer store for more information on your system's IRQ assignments. 4.The Enhanced Keyboard speedup setting in Setup | General Options | option H may be ON. The keyboard BIOS on some systems (specifically AMDEK or Televideo) doesn't support Enhanced Keyboard speedup. Try accessing Setup by pressing Alt-S, G, option H to turn OFF Enhanced Keyboard speedup. Otherwise, you can modify the PCPLUS.PRM on another system in the same manner, disable Enhanced Keyboard speedup in the Setup, and copy the PCPLUS.PRM file to the other system. 5.PCPLUS.EXE may be corrupt. Make a copy of any customized Dialing Directories(.DIR) scripts, and parameter file (PRM), delete your PCPLUS directory and then reinstall PCPLUS. 6.If you're using PCPLUS 2.0, the port's 16550 UART may not be properly enabled. You'll need to upgrade to PCPLUS 2.01. This upgrade is free by downloading PCINST.EXE from any of the Quarterdeck support delivery systems. Q: Why don't I get any response from the modem? A: There are several reasons your modem may not respond to commands: 1.Make sure the modem is getting initialized by typing ATE1Q0 at the Terminal screen and pressing . This tells the modem to echo back characters in command state and send result codes. 2.You may have an IRQ or BPA conflict with another device, such as a network card. (See TB90.TXT for more information on IRQ and BPA conflicts.) Check with your MIS department or computer store for more information on your system's IRQ assignments. 3.If external, the modem may be confused. Try turning the modem off and then on again. 4.If external, there could be a problem with the modem cable. Try another cable. 5.Your color settings, in Setup | Terminal Options | Color Options may have the foreground color set the same as the background color. You can confirm this by pressing . 6.You may be running some TSR (Terminate and Stay Resident) programs that may be interfering. Confirm this by not loading any unnecessary programs in your AUTOEXEC.BAT. 7.Your modem may be returning numeric codes rather than verbose codes. Confirm this by typing ATV1 at the Terminal screen and pressing . 8.Your modem may be broken. Call your modem manufacturer to confirm a broken modem. Q: Why do I receive garbage characters occasionally when I'm online? A: There are several reasons you may experience occasional garbage characters while online. 1.Your telephone line may have line noise. Have the telephone line checked by the telephone company, or try a different line. 2.If your phone line has Call Waiting, someone may be trying to call you. You should disable Call Waiting before you make your call. 3.You may be set for the wrong emulation. Check with the administrator or SYSOP of the host system you're connecting to in order to determine the correct emulation. 4.You may be receiving an invalid escape sequence that the emulation doesn't recognize. 5.If you're receiving the cent sign, the DEC emulation 8-bit support switch may not be set correctly. Change this by enabling 8-bit support in Setup | Terminal Options, Option M (ANSI 7 or 8 bit commands). 6.You may be losing part of the escape sequence. (See the suggestions below for missing characters.) 7.The host system may be sending a file with a streaming protocol. You can abort this by pressing ^X several times. 8.Your modem may be broken. Call your modem manufacturer to confirm a broken modem. Q: Why do I sometimes lose characters, or have missing characters, when I'm online? A: There are several reasons you may lose characters while online. 1.You may be running some TSR (Terminate and Stay Resident) programs that cause interrupts to be disabled. Confirm this by not loading any unnecessary programs in your AUTOEXEC.BAT. 2.You may have an IRQ or BPA conflict, causing characters to be lost. See TB90.TXT for more information on IRQ and BPA conflicts. Check with your MIS department or computer store for more information on your system's IRQ and Base Port Address assignments. 3.Your ASCII upload may be sending too fast for the host system. Increase the Transmit Pacing in Setup | General Options, Option G. 4.If the problem only occurs in the first column or two, your video card may be experiencing problems. 5.If Destructive Backspace is enabled, characters may be erased. Confirm this by disabling Destructive Backspace in Setup | Terminal Options, Option H (BS translation). 6.Your computer system may be too slow for the baud rate that your modem supports. Confirm this by lowering the baud rate in

. 7.Software Flow Control with an MNP modem may cause the modem to stop receiving or sending characters. Confirm this by disabling Software Flow Control in Setup | Terminal Options, Option C. Q: Why does my connection speed drop to 300 or 1200 baud during connection? A: There are several reasons your connection speed may drop in baud rate during connection. 1.Your modem may be set for X0, which means that it will return only basic result codes upon connect (carrier detected at 300 or 1200). The X0 may be set if your modem is external and was powered off during initialization; or if the Send init if CD high setting is disabled, causing the initialization string to not be sent to the modem; or if there is a problem in the initialization string or dialing command. 2.Setup may contain incorrect result messages. Check this by viewing Setup | Modem Options | Result Messages. 3.Setup may have Autobaud detect enabled when it shouldn't be (typically with any modem capable of 14400bps or more). Either disable Auto baud detect in Setup | Modem Options | General Options, Option C, or reinstall the modem using PCINSTAL. 4.Your modem may be broken and returning incorrect result messages. Contact your modem manufacturer to confirm a broken modem. Q: Why can't I get 132-column mode to work? A: There are several situations that may result in 132-column mode not working as expected. 1.PCPLUS may not be set up correctly. Check this by running PCINSTAL, Reconfigure PROCOMM PLUS, and selecting Extended video mode support from the Reconfiguration Options menu. Carefully read the information that PCINSTAL presents to you concerning your system's video mode support. You may also refer to your system's video card manual for more information on the display modes available. You can then input the proper settings in Setup | Display/Sound Options | Option I (Video Startup Mode equals User Mode) and Option K (User video mode equals XX, where XX is a decimal number.) Verify that you have the terminal width set to 132 in Setup | Terminal Options | Option L. 2.Your video card and monitor may not support 132 columns. If in doubt, run PCINSTAL or check your hardware manuals for display modes supported. If 132-column display mode is not available, you can toggle between screens by holding the Control and Left or Right cursor keys. 3.You may be using the wrong emulation, or the emulation sequence to switch to 132-columns isn't being sent by the host. 132 columns in support in the Wyse, Vtxxx and Ansi emulations. 4.The host system may not be using 132 columns, therefore PCPLUS won't display the screen in 132 columns. 5.You may be running some TSR (Terminate and Stay Resident) programs that cause interrupts to be disabled. Confirm this by not loading any unnecessary programs in your AUTOEXEC.BAT. Q: Why won't my modem dial? A: First we need to determine if the problem is in PCPLUS, the port, the modem, or the phone line. 1.Verify that PCPLUS is attempting to access the correct port by checking the port configuration in

, and if you're trying to dial through the Dialing Directory. 2.Verify that the port addresses are correct in Setup | Modem Options | Port Assignments. Unless you're using a PS/2 system, the address for COM3 (Option C) should be 0x3E8 and the address for COM4 (Option D) should be 0x2E8. 3.Verify that PCPLUS is using the correct Dialing Command in Setup | Modem Options | Modem Commands, Option B. For tone dialing, this should be ATDT. At this same screen, verify that the Dialing Command Suffix is correct, typically ^M. Also, verify that the phone number is correct in the Dialing Directory entry, and that the Dialing Directory entry Mode is set for Modem instead of Direct. Make sure that the Dialing Directory entry line settings are correct, as well (N-8-1 vs. E-7-1). This is often the problem when only one entry won't dial. 4.If you're using an MNP modem and PCPLUS is set for a fixed DTE (port) speed, the port may be unable to receive characters. 5.Verify that the modem is turned on if it's an external modem. 6.If the dial tone of the phone line is missing, or barely audible, the modem may require a command to ignore the dial tone. Issue the command ATX1 or ATX3 to the modem from the Terminal screen and try to dial. If this fixes the problem, add the command to your initialization string in Setup | Modem Options | Modem Commands | Initialization command (Option A). Include the X1 or X3 after the initial AT and before the ending ^M. 7.Verify that the phone connection isn't loose, that the line is plugged into the correct jack on the modem, and that the phone line is in service. You can verify the service by plugging in a regular phone and trying to dial. Q: Why won't my modem dial on a first attempt, but it dials fine on the second attempt? A: Verify that your initialization command contains a ^M at the end. The initialization command is located in Setup | Modem Options | Modem Commands, Option A. Q: Why does my modem hang up during negotiation or shortly after connection? A: There are several reasons your modem may hang up during negotiation or shortly after connection: 1.The modem may be timing out due to the modem's setting to wait for Carrier Detect, or to the PCPLUS setting to Wait for connection in Setup | Modem Options | General Options, Option A. To increase the modem's setting, issue ATS7=90 (the default is 60 seconds for most modems) at the Terminal screen. Then try to dial the number. 2.The modem's S10 and S9 registers are set too tight, and some noise is coming in. To verify this, increase the S10 register to 18 by issuing ATS10=18 at the Terminal screen. Then try dialing. If this clears the problem, add S10=18 to your modem initialization string in Setup | Modem Options | Modem Commands, Option A. 3.Your MNP modem may be set to forced reliable or forced high-speed connect mode. 4.Part of the modem connect message that your modem returns may match one of the No Connect messages in Setup | Modem Options | Result Messages. 5.Some host systems will hang up if the calling system is using the incorrect parity. Verify that your parity settings in

(or in the Dialing Directory entry) are correct for the host system you're calling. 6.Your modem may be broken. Contact your modem manufacturer to confirm a broken modem. Q: Why won't Host mode recognize a user name or password? A: There are several reasons why Host mode may not recognize a user name or password: 1.Host mode can't find the PCPLUS.USR file. Verify that this file exists in the PCPLUS or home directory of PCPLUS. (This is especially true if you receive the message "Not found in current directory:") 2.You may not have enough file handles specified in your CONFIG.SYS file. Increase the FILES= in CONFIG.SYS and reboot your system. 3.You my have more than one PCPLUS.USR file on your system. Check the system for numerous PCPLUS.USR files. 4.The PCPLUS.USR file may be corrupt. The PCPLUS.USR file may contain lower case entries. Entries must be in all upper case. 5.The PCPLUS.USR file may contain an embedded Ctrl-Z. Verify this by viewing the file in a hex editor and searching for an ASCII 26. 6.The user may have forgotten their logon name or password. ============================================================================== To ensure that you have the latest version of this document, compare its revision number to that of the same document on any of our support sites. This technical bulletin may be copied and distributed freely as long as it is distributed in its entirety and it is not distributed for profit. Copyright (c) 1997 Quarterdeck All rights reserved. ==============================================================================